Grade 8 Academics
Welcome to Iqra School’s Middle School program, spanning between the grades of 7to 8. These twoyears will play an important role in your child’s education. Students will work towards honing in on essential academic habits, continue to grow confidence, and develop positive and healthy relationships with their teachers and peers.Using the Manitoba curriculum, along with our Islamic Studies curriculum, ourcertifiedteachers will prepare your child for more than just high school. It’s a time to build on all the skills, knowledge, and experience of the early years and pave a path to graduation and beyond.
Iqra’s Technology Program
Your child will have access to technology offered by Iqra School’s technology program. Your child will use technology to access information, collaborate with fellow peers, and demonstrate their learning through a variety of multimedia tools and resources. Our students will learn how to use technology responsibly, allowing them to reap the benefits of technology. Through Iqra’s technology program, we will mould them into leaders that are confident, sophisticated, and ethical in a world where technology is ubiquitous.
Students will learn the Arabic language throughout the year. Students will learn how to read/write Arabic and the meaning of various common Arabic words.
During art class, students will develop and expand their skills and knowledge in order to express their art ideas. They will also learn more about the logistics involved in arts, such as distribution of craft materials, the process of organizing and cleaning up their workstations, and using the correct tools and materials for a given project. Our teachers encourage students to use innovative methods to express themselves on the canvas. Through art class, our students will develop aesthetic sensitivity, perseverance, confidence, and good work habits.
Students will learn basic Dua’s which they can use while completing day–to–day tasks. A Dua book will be provided to reinforce knowledgeof various Duas. Qur’an will also be taught by an Arab teacher. Students will memorize short surahs throughout the school year.
English Language Arts
Our Language Arts program is designed to reinforce important skills learned in earlier years. Studentsstudy various genres of literature, such as non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and drama.
Teachers pay special attention to students’ intellectual, emotional, and social responses to various forms of literature and focuses attention on the development of comprehension, reading skills, and vocabulary. Exciting activities to further develop higher–level thinking skills and reading comprehension are introduced. Students practice their reading and writing skills through creative writing, journals, diaries, book reports, and more. Students have access to Iqra School’s ever–growing library, filled with appropriate genres of every kind, from science fiction to action and adventure.
Our French program is intended to enable students to grasp the basics of the French language. Students will familiarize themselves with basic grammar by reading stories. Students will also learn to ask simple and more complex questions. Through our French program, our students will learn how to pronounce select words, express their feelings, differentiate between singular/plural and masculine/feminine words, apply practical vocabulary for communication purposes, and more.
Islamic Studies
Students will learn various topics during their Islamic Studies class throughout the school year. Examples of topics include exploring the peaceful characteristics and duties of the prophets, good character and morals, how to perform different types of purification (Wudu, tayammum), stories of the prophets (and the lessons that can be learned from them), and more. Each student will receive an Islamic Studies textbook/workbook to supplement their Islamic Studies.
The mathematic program at Iqra School is designed to support and promote the understanding that mathematics is a way oflearning about our world and is part of our daily lives. Mathematics is especially important during the middle years as students mature and begin to grow in their ability to reason. Studentsin Grade 7 reinforce concepts learned in previous years and introduces skills and topics that are essential for all students.Concepts, procedures, and vocabulary that students will need in order to be successful in higher-level algebra and geometry courses are introduced and practicedroutinely.Students will work extensively with various topics such as exponents, polynomials, systems of equations, factoring, statistics, and geometric concepts,quadratic functionsamong others. Our mathematics program encourages the development of critical problem-solving skills, mental math strategies, logical thinking, analyze and order data, and using technology to solve and deepen understanding of mathematical concepts.
Physical Education
Students participate in physical exercises every school day. Our physical education program is designed to develop motor skills, locomotor movements, as well as development sportsmanship, cooperation, and teamwork. Exercises include sports and competitive activities requiring movements such as skipping, running, balancing, bending, sliding, among others. Students are also educated on safe equipment usage and healthy life practices.
Students learn various surahs from the Holy Qur’an on a weekly basis. Qur’an classes are taught by a professional Arab teacher.
Our science course builds on skills and knowledge that our students already have, setting the groundwork for further exploration and understanding of science. Our program extends what the Manitoba curriculum requires us to teach, giving our students a comprehensive understanding of all required topics.
With the arrival of our dedicated science lab coming this fall 2021, hands–on experimentation will further enhance and develop our student’s science skills.English Language Arts
Social Studies
Our socialstudies class explores the ways of life in different communities across various regions in Canada and beyond. Students also explore the geographic, economic, and social aspects of different parts of the world. Through our social studies classes, our students learn to respect and appreciate Canada’s diversity.