+(00) 123-345-11

Why Should I Give?

Why Should I Give?

Contribute to our school and be part of the khair.

The Prophet Muhammad ()said: “When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three; Sadaqah Jariyah(an ongoing charity), beneficial knowledge or a righteous offspring who will pray for him.” Sahih Muslim (Hadith #1631)

Student Sponsorship

Every year, Iqra School accommodates many students who cannot afford to pay the full tuition fee.  We do not want to refuse students only on the basis of financial hardships. Examples include single parent families with multiple children, lowincome families,andnewcomers.

Offset Costs Related to Islamic Education

Iqra School is pleased to offer both academic and Islamic education. However, as our Islamic Studies curriculum is not a requirement for the Department of Education, it is considered an extracurricular activity. Your support can help offset these costs and allocate funds in other areas of need.

Inshallah, with your support, hundreds if not thousands of students will benefit from your contribution for generations to come. Your contribution will, with the help of Allah (SWT), assist thousands of students graduate with a wellrounded understanding of Islam, become peaceful and lawabiding citizens, and serve and advance humanity in various fields of medicine, technology, business, and beyond

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